Global Growth programme for exporters

Applications are open for the Global Growth Program for 2022, promoted by TradeMalta and designed to support the export of Maltese companies.

Under this programme participants are eligible for co-funding of up to 50% of approved expenses, subject to a capping of Euro 10,000 in assistance per company. Tthis capping may be adjusted downwards in the adjudication process, in order to accommodate more eligible applicants.

Our organization, in addition to supporting you in obtaining financing, can accompany you on foreign markets to internationalize your company or business idea.

Among the services offered there are all the eligible activities, listed below:

>  Engage a business development partner in specific target markets

>  Design, development, production, duplication and printing of marketing material required to implement the Export Market Development Plan.

>  Design and development of packaging and product information for legal or regulatory purposes as required for placing a product in target market.

>  Translation costs of the marketing material from Maltese or English into other languages, as specifically required to implement the Export Market Development Plan.

>  Internet Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) costs required in increasing visibility in target markets and implementing the Export Market Development Plan. Support for SEO shall be capped at € 1,000 per annum.

>  Travel cost (as per section 6.1 of the Incentives Guidelines) excluding Per Diem, incurred by the undertaking in holding business meetings in Malta with unrelated undertakings established in a market identified in the Export Market Development Plan.

>  Participation in conferences, fairs and similar events related to the undertaking’s activity.

The program is primarily aimed at companies with experience in internationalization and selected entries will be ranked after a competitive judgment.

The companies that will be admitted to the funds will be able to obtain a co-financing up to 50% of the approved expenses, for a maximum of 10,000 euros: however, even lower amounts will be granted, in order to help as many applicants as possible with the budget made available.

The deadline for submitting applications is November 19, 2021. So hurry up and contact the Malta Business Agency team! We will provide you with targeted and punctual support to manage the application procedures and services aimed at the internationalization of your company.