ITPIS: the support for Market Research
- 03/05/2022
- Posted by: Press Office
- Category: Fund consulting

The International Trade Promotion Incentive Scheme (ITPIS) aims to support Maltese companies that want to internationalize their business, or that are already exporting and want to promote a product or service in a new market. The program, among other things, grants assistance to businesses to purchase market research tools such as industry and consumer reports, or statistical data from vendors specializing in data and market research.
Eligible Undertakings
This incentive is open to undertakings whose purpose is to intensify their internationalisation activities with the aim of increasing their export activity. The different actions that can be supported are defined in the separate in Section 6 of these guidelines.
The beneficiary must be an undertaking registered as one of the following:
a. An undertaking incorporated under the Companies Act Chapter 386 of the Laws of Malta being
a partnership en nom collectif, en commandite or a limited liability company
b. Self-employed persons registered with Jobsplus
c. Co-operatives with the Co-operatives Board
d. The following table lists the indicative eligible economic sectors and activities and their respective NACE code:
Eligible Costs
Commissioning of bespoke marketing intelligence from specialized international market research companies.
The purchase of such reports or market intelligence must be pre-approved by TradeMalta.
To find out more details and submit your application request a specific consultation from the Malta Business Agency team by filling in the following form.
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