Creation of foundations

Creation of foundation - Malta Business Agency

The Support in the creation of foundations service offered by Malta Business is designed to guide anyone wishing to establish a foundation in Malta, whether it is a private foundation or one with specific purposes.

This service includes an in-depth analysis of the legal and administrative requirements, assistance in drafting the statute and structuring the foundation, as well as financial and tax consultancy to ensure compliance with Maltese regulations.

Malta Business also provides strategic insights on how to optimize the foundation’s operations and on the available public funding opportunities for non-profit organizations and social foundations.

At Malta Business we help you assess your potential and skills to choose the best direction. Making use of your team’s talents and resources most productively.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the Malta Business  office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

Related services

How can we help you?

Contact us to receive more information or to book an initial consultation. You can schedule a phone call or video call meeting to discuss your needs.

Services & Assistance for foundation setup

The service providers we collaborate with are licensed by the MFSA and will bring to your attention all the necessary support services for the establishment and management of a new foundation in Malta. These are the main services we offer:

  • Drafting of the statute and the deed of foundation.
  • Handling legal and tax formalities.
  • Support for registration with the Registrar for Legal Persons.
  • Consultancy on the appointment of administrators and, if necessary, protectors.
  • Assistance in defining the class of beneficiaries.
  • Consultation for opening bank accounts.
  • Management of UBO (Ultimate Beneficial Owner) compliance requirements.

Each step is handled with care to ensure that the foundation is structured in the best way to achieve its statutory goals, whether for private foundations or foundations with specific purposes.

Common uses of purpose foundations

The pie charts below illustrate the typical purposes for which foundations in Malta are established.

Common uses foundations Malta - Malta Business Agency
Private foundations
Purpose foundations
  • Private Foundations are primarily used for personal benefits, such as estate planning (40%) and family wealth management (35%), with a focus on protecting inheritance and managing assets across generations.
  • Purpose Foundations (Social Foundations), on the other hand, are largely created for charitable activities (50%) and social support (30%), with the goal of benefiting the broader community through philanthropic initiatives and cultural projects.

FAQ: Learn more about our service

The service covers everything needed to establish a foundation, including legal and tax assistance, drafting the statute, appointing administrators, and managing legal compliance.

Yes, we collaborate with experts who can assist with asset management, wealth protection, and succession planning.

We provide ongoing consultancy for the daily management, tax compliance, and strategic planning to help the foundation achieve its goals.

Want to know how much it costs to set up a foundation in Malta?

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